EXCLUSIVE: The investigation into the Transition Integrity Project reveals the ‘darkness of the deep power structures within the US government’

Digging into the Transition Integrity Project uncovers the ‘hidden influence of powerful groups within the US government’

Jack Posobiec, the host of Human Events Daily, broke an exclusive story on Thursday revealing that the US House Oversight Committee has initiated an official investigation into the Transition Integrity Project (TIP), an organization operating under Georgetown University’s umbrella as a 501(c)(3) entity. This project has reportedly been the recipient of substantial federal funding amounting to “hundreds of millions of dollars every year.”

Rep Pete Sessions voiced strong concerns, stating, “It would be highly inappropriate for a university that relies on federal funding to engage in partisan political activities aimed at undermining a legally conducted election.”

Posobiec, during his broadcast, welcomed the announcement of the investigation, affirming, “This aligns perfectly with the concerns we’ve been expressing ever since the Republicans regained control of the House.” He emphasized that this development officially puts the organization “on notice.”

Posobiec also revealed that the investigation aims to uncover and identify over 100 participants, including “every single individual who currently holds or has held a US national security clearance.”

Raheem Kassam and Mike Benz joined Posobiec on Human Events Daily to discuss the scoop. Benz delved into the significance of the records request, stating, “This delves deep into the core power structures within the US government and sheds light on what Trump was truly up against all along.”

He elaborated on the composition of TIP, describing it as comprising “about 60 to 70 influential figures within the national security state, the foreign policy establishment, the bureaucratic apparatus, and their political allies from both sides of the political spectrum, who also represent the financiers and architects of the initiative.”

Benz characterized the group as both a “plot” and “arguably the closest approximation to a domestic color revolution planning team that the country has ever witnessed.”

In 2020, TIP released a 17-page blueprint outlining strategies on “how to prevent Trump from being inaugurated, even if he won the 2020 election.” This blueprint included four distinct scenarios to address what they perceived as an “election crisis,” specifically in the scenario of Trump prevailing over Joe Biden. Benz disclosed that these scenarios involved considerations such as “control of the military” and “control of state governorships.”