Democratic-backed election process changes in various states are raising concerns about the potential disenfranchisement of legal voters. Among these changes, ranked-choice voting presents a confusing system that could result in discarded ballots, while eliminating safeguards against noncitizen voting increases the risk of legal votes being negated by illegal ones. In Virginia, both issues have come to the forefront as bills addressing them await Governor Glenn Youngkin’s veto.
Ranked-choice voting, touted by its proponents as a fairer and more inclusive method of electing officials, has gained traction in several states. However, its implementation has raised questions about its complexity and the potential for voter confusion.
In a ranked-choice system, voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority of first-preference votes, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their votes are redistributed based on the voters’ next preferences. This process continues until a candidate secures a majority.

While supporters argue that ranked-choice voting allows voters to express their preferences more fully and eliminates the need for runoff elections, critics contend that it can confuse voters and may invalidate ballots.
Voters may not fully understand how to rank candidates or may make errors in their rankings, resulting in their ballots being discarded during the tabulation process. Additionally, the software used to tally ranked-choice votes can be prone to errors, further complicating the process.
Another concerning trend is the removal of safeguards against noncitizen voting, which threatens the integrity of elections by potentially allowing ineligible individuals to cast ballots. In Virginia, bills seeking to eliminate requirements for proof of citizenship when registering to vote have been introduced in the Democrat-controlled legislature.
Proponents argue that such measures promote inclusivity and remove barriers to voting for marginalized communities. However, critics warn that loosening voter eligibility requirements could encourage widespread voter fraud and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Governor Glenn Youngkin’s involvement in addressing these matters has taken on significant importance. His decisions carry the potential to reshape Virginia’s electoral environment profoundly, as bills concerning ranked-choice voting and noncitizen voting await his veto or approval. His recent veto of a specific bill underscores his dedication to safeguarding the integrity and security of the state’s electoral processes.
The debate over election process changes underscores the broader partisan divide on voting rights and election integrity. Democrats argue for measures to expand access to the ballot box and promote inclusivity.
At the same time, Republicans emphasize the importance of safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process and preventing voter fraud. As these issues continue in state legislatures across the country, the balance between accessibility and security in elections remains contentious and unresolved.