Senator Bernie Sanders (Credits: ABC News)

Bernie Sanders to Netanyahu: ‘Holding You Accountable Is Not Antisemitic’

In a bold rebuke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Senator Bernie Sanders delivered a blistering statement on Thursday, vehemently rejecting Netanyahu’s characterization of protests on American college campuses as “antisemitic.” Sanders adamantly asserted, “It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable for your actions.”

Directing his message squarely at Netanyahu, Sanders countered the notion that criticizing Israel’s actions equates to antisemitism.

He pointedly cited the staggering toll of Palestinian casualties and infrastructure destruction resulting from Israeli military operations. Sanders emphasized that highlighting these grim realities does not amount to bigotry but rather a moral imperative to address human rights abuses.

Benjamin Netanyahu (Credits: The New York Times)

Netanyahu’s attempt to equate student protests against Israeli policies with historical antisemitism drew fierce condemnation from Sanders. He decried the use of such tactics to deflect attention from the “immoral and illegal” actions of the Israeli government and Netanyahu’s own legal troubles.

Sanders’ statement came in response to Netanyahu’s inflammatory remarks characterizing campus demonstrations as reminiscent of 1930s antisemitism in Germany. The Israeli Prime Minister’s attempt to stifle dissent and portray legitimate criticism as bigotry drew widespread condemnation.

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu (Credits: Reuters)

Sanders highlighted the peaceful nature of the student protests, contrasting them with the heavy-handed response from law enforcement. He condemned the violent crackdown on demonstrators at the University of Texas at Austin, where police arrested dozens and allegedly used excessive force.

In closing, Sanders reaffirmed that holding governments accountable for their actions is not antisemitic but rather a fundamental aspect of democracy. He underscored the importance of distinguishing between legitimate criticism and bigotry, emphasizing the need for robust debate and dissent in democratic societies.