Free Comic Book Day arrives at the U.S. Capitol (Credits: The Hill)

Free Comic Book Day Arriving at the Capitol

On Wednesday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Representative Robert Garcia (D-Calif.), a self-proclaimed comics enthusiast, will host a celebration of serialized stories at the Longworth House Office Building.

This book-focused event will feature complimentary comics from local Washington stores Big Planet Comics and Fantom Comics, as well as a showcase of rare comics from the Library of Congress.

This Capitol Hill celebration comes ahead of the nationwide Free Comic Book Day on May 4, which will see over 2,000 stores across the country participate.

Congressman Robert Garcia (Credits: Los Angeles Times)

Garcia, who founded the Congressional Popular Arts Caucus and is the first Peruvian American elected to Congress, expressed his enthusiasm for the event, stating, “As someone who learned to read English through comic books, I know Free Comic Book Day is an opportunity to reach young people and families across the country and expose them to reading and the arts.”

The 46-year-old congressman has made it his mission to “uplift artists while celebrating their cultural and economic contributions to this country.”

Last year, Garcia took the oath of office with a first edition “Superman” No. 1 comic tucked under the Constitution, demonstrating his dedication to the arts and their importance in his life. He believes that comics have the power to inspire and educate, and he is committed to promoting their importance in American culture.

Free Comic Book Day on Capitol Hill (Credits: Reddit)

Through this event, Garcia aims to bring attention to the vibrant world of comics and graphic novels, highlighting their ability to capture readers of all ages and backgrounds.

By celebrating Free Comic Book Day on Capitol Hill, he hopes to showcase the impact that comics can have on literacy, creativity, and community building. By sharing his passion for comics with his colleagues and the public, Garcia hopes to inspire a new generation of readers and artists.