Governor DeSantis made a bold move on Wednesday by signing Senate Bill 1084 into law at a press conference held in Hardee County’s Cattleman’s Arena in Wauchula. This bill, which prohibits the sale and manufacturing of lab-grown meat in Florida, represents a remarkable stance in support of traditional agriculture and the state’s farming community.
Senate Bill 1084 not only bans lab-grown meat but also includes provisions to preempt local governments from regulating electric vehicle charging stations and to increase criminal penalties for crimes committed on Florida farms.

Governor DeSantis emphasized his support for agriculture, stating, “In the State of Florida, we’ve put down the marker very clearly: we stand with agriculture.” He highlighted the importance of supporting cattle ranchers, farmers, and the state’s agricultural heritage.
Additionally, Governor DeSantis announced a $6 million award to Hardee County from the Job Growth Grant Fund. This funding will aid in the development of an industrial site, including the construction of a 40,000-square-foot warehouse to accommodate new companies relocating to the area. This investment aims to stimulate economic growth and job creation in Hardee County.
Commissioner Wilton Simpson of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services joined Governor DeSantis at the press conference and expressed support for the lab-grown meat ban.

He described lab-grown meat as a threat to Florida’s agricultural traditions and prosperity, emphasizing the importance of preserving authentic agriculture in the state.
The signing of Senate Bill 1084 into law marks Florida’s pioneering step in addressing the issue of lab-grown meat and reaffirms the state’s commitment to its agricultural heritage and economic development.