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Biden Protects Undocumented Spouses, Aims to Shield 500,000 from Deportation, Fosters Family Unity Amid Election

Biden Protects Undocumented Spouses, Aims to Shield 500,000 from Deportation, Fosters Family Unity Amid Election
Biden Protects Undocumented Spouses, Aims to Shield 500,000 from Deportation, Fosters Family Unity Amid Election

The Biden administration recently announced a significant executive action aimed at protecting undocumented spouses of American citizens, potentially shielding approximately 500,000 immigrants from deportation.

This policy shift revealed amidst an election year, underscores the administration’s commitment to family unity and responds to long-standing advocacy efforts by immigration advocates and Democratic lawmakers.

The decision to protect undocumented spouses comes as President Biden seeks to court Latino voters in key battleground states. The move is seen as strategically important, akin in scale to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, according to sources familiar with the matter.

The administration’s emphasis on keeping families together contrasts with its continued efforts to address illegal border crossings and combat human smuggling networks, underscoring a balanced approach to immigration enforcement.

Under the new policy, non-citizens who have lived in the United States for a minimum of 10 years and are married to U.S. citizens, along with their children, will be eligible to apply for permanent residence without having to leave the country.

Biden Protects Undocumented Spouses, Aims to Shield 500,000 from Deportation, Fosters Family Unity Amid Election

Biden Protects Undocumented Spouses, Aims to Shield 500,000 from Deportation, Fosters Family Unity Amid Election

On average, eligible spouses have been in the U.S. for 23 years, highlighting their deep integration into American communities. Additionally, the policy aims to streamline pathways to obtaining green cards and, ultimately, U.S. citizenship for qualifying undocumented immigrants.

Furthermore, the executive action includes provisions to allow eligible undocumented spouses to apply for work permits on a case-by-case basis, facilitating their integration into the labor market. The administration also intends to expedite work visa processing for DACA recipients with higher education degrees seeking employment in their respective fields, recognizing their potential contributions to the U.S. workforce.

Despite these efforts, the Biden administration anticipates legal challenges to the new policy. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin acknowledged the likelihood of lawsuits, noting that legislative action would be the most comprehensive solution to provide stability and security for affected individuals. However, with Republican opposition to previous immigration reforms, achieving bipartisan legislative support remains uncertain.

The Biden administration’s executive action represents a significant step towards reforming immigration policy by prioritizing family unity, expanding legal pathways to residency and citizenship, and addressing the contributions of long-standing undocumented residents to American society.

The move reflects broader efforts to balance immigration enforcement with compassionate and pragmatic solutions amid ongoing political and legal challenges.

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