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UN Commission Accuses Israeli Military of Targeting Civilians in Gaza; Alleges War Crimes

UN Commission Accuses Israeli Military of Targeting Civilians in Gaza; Alleges War Crimes
UN Commission Accuses Israeli Military of Targeting Civilians in Gaza; Alleges War Crimes

The United Nations-backed Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory has issued a damning report accusing the Israeli military of intentionally targeting civilians in Gaza with heavy weapons.

Navi Pillay, the commission’s chairperson, characterized these actions as crimes against humanity, including forced starvation, murder, and inhumane treatment. She also condemned Palestinian groups for committing war crimes, highlighting specific incidents of violence against Israeli civilians.

Pillay emphasized that the Israeli military’s operations in Gaza led to the forced confinement of civilians in unsafe conditions and the deliberate use of heavy weapons in densely populated areas. The report detailed instances of sexual and gender-based violence by Israeli forces, alleging systematic humiliation and subordination of Palestinians, with women and men subjected to egregious acts.

UN Commission Accuses Israeli Military of Targeting Civilians in Gaza; Alleges War Crimes

UN Commission Accuses Israeli Military of Targeting Civilians in Gaza; Alleges War Crimes

The commission’s findings underscored the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and a deteriorating situation in the occupied West Bank, where escalating violence has resulted in significant Palestinian casualties. The report documented widespread devastation, including substantial civilian casualties, particularly among children.

Pillay also addressed war crimes committed by Palestinian groups, including Hamas, during attacks on southern Israel, listing offenses such as deliberate attacks on civilians, torture, and sexual violence. The report acknowledged difficulties in independently verifying reports of rape but noted patterns of sexual violence against Israeli women.

Despite obstacles imposed by Israel, the commission conducted a thorough investigation spanning from October to December 2023, producing a detailed report with extensive annexes. The report highlighted the tragic consequences of the conflict, emphasizing the need for accountability and justice for victims on all sides.

While the report’s immediate impact on Israeli conduct may be limited, it serves as potential evidence for future legal proceedings and could influence international perceptions and policies toward Israel. The commission plans to release further reports examining attacks on healthcare facilities and the impact of the conflict on education in Gaza.

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