According to various reports, Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging platform Telegram, was detained over the weekend at a Paris airport. French news outlets LCI and TF1 revealed that Durov was taken into custody on Saturday evening at Paris-Le Bourget Airport.
The Associated Press reports that he was held on an arrest warrant due to allegations involving his platform being used for money laundering, drug trafficking, and other illegal activities. Durov was informed by the National Anti-Fraud Office of the French Customs Department about his police custody, as reported by French media.

Additional details from Reuters, based on information from French and Russian sources, confirm that Durov’s arrest occurred shortly after his arrival on a private jet from Azerbaijan. Founded by Durov and his brother Nikolai in 2013, Telegram remains a widely used messaging service, particularly relevant in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
In response to the arrest, Telegram issued a statement affirming its compliance with European Union regulations and its commitment to maintaining high moderation standards. The company criticized the notion that a platform or its owner could be held accountable for misuse of the platform, emphasizing its role in global communication and information.
Elon Musk, owner of the social media platform X, voiced his support by posting “FreePavel” on X. The arrest has sparked discussions about freedom of speech, with independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. highlighting the urgent need to protect free expression on X.
French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the situation on Monday, asserting that France is committed to freedom of expression, innovation, and entrepreneurship. He emphasized that Durov’s arrest is part of an independent judicial process and not a political move. “It is up to the judiciary to enforce the law,” Macron stated, clarifying that the decision was made in the context of an ongoing investigation.