Toei Animation reported on Friday that it is creating a subsequent anime film dependent on the Kagaku Manga Survival (Science Manga Survival) study manga arrangement. The new Shinkai no Survival! (Endure! In the Deep Sea) the film adjusts the Shinkai no Survival! book. The film will open in Japan on August 13.
The film will include returning cast individuals Satsumi Matsuda as Geo, Megumi Han as Pipi (Phoebe), and Akira Ishida as Kei. Satoru Iriyoshi (Precure establishment storyboarder and scene liveliness chief) is coordinating the film at Toei Animation and Gallop. Isao Murayama gets back from the past film to pen the content. The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) is regulating the film.
The Kagaku Manga Survival manga arrangement follows youngsters in different daring circumstances while meshing data about science into the story. The past film, Survive! Inside the Human Body (Jintai no Survival!) zeroed in on the human body, while the new film is about the remote ocean. Shinkai no Survival! is the smash hit book in the arrangement. The books have 10 million duplicates on paper in Japan.
The arrangement started in South Korea by Gomdori Co. furthermore, artist Hyun-Dong Han. The all-shading manga and study book arrangement dispatched in 2008.
No Starch Press distributed a portion of the arrangement in English under the title Survive! Inside the Human Body.
The Survive! Inside the Human Body anime film opened in Japan with the Ganbareiwa!! Robocon film as a twofold component in July 2020. Toei Animation created a 100-second enlivened video for the manga in March 2019. At that point, Mainichi Shimbun’s Mantan Web site recorded that the video was a pilot film.