What Happened To Tom from MySpace

What Happened To Tom From MySpace? Full Info

What Happened To Tom From Myspace? Thomas Anderson, better known as Tom, is a technology entrepreneur and the co-founder of the social networking site Myspace. Many people are interested in finding out what happened to Tom from Myspace. Discover Tom’s Myspace-related fate by scrolling down.

Tom Anderson from Myspace: Who Is He?

The social networking website Myspace was co-founded by technology entrepreneur Thomas Anderson (Tom). He and Chris DeWolfe founded Myspace in 2003, and he is an American citizen. Later, he was appointed as the company’s president and chief executive officer. 

What Happened To Tom from MySpace

Tom is well-known under the names “Tom from Myspace,” “Myspace Tom,” or “My buddy, Tom” since he is always added as the first “friend” to new Myspace users’ pages once they establish them.

What Has Tom From Myspace Done?

Myspace is unable to manage Zuckerberg’s opulent Facebook. Before retiring in 2009, Tom sold the website to News Corp for $580 million in 2005. In Hawaii right now, Tom is fulfilling all of our aspirations. He is currently actively pursuing a brand-new profession as a travel photographer. He was the most well-known person online. He is famously known as MySpace Tom.

Tom Anderson’s age

On November 8, 1970, Tom Anderson was born in San Diego, California, in the United States. He has a 51-year-old age. The father of Tom Anderson was a businessman. Under the alias “Lord Flathead,” Tom was a computer hacker while a student at San Pasqual High School in Escondido, California. 

What Happened To Tom from MySpace

As a result of his hacking into the Chase Manhattan Bank’s security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) conducted a raid. Tom

Tom Anderson’s Myspace

Tom Anderson’s marital information is not available to us. Our knowledge about Tom Anderso’s wife is so limited. On many social networking sites, such as Facebook and Instagram, Tom Anderson is very well-liked.

The 2011 Burning Man event served as Anderson’s introduction to photography, which sparked his interest in the art form. At the University of California, Tom Anderson pursued his education. Before taking the main vocal position in the band Swank, he majored in English. When Tom received his diploma, he settled in Taiwan.

Net Worth of Tom Anderson

A $60 million figure represents Tom Anderson’s wealth. In 2000, he worked as a copywriter and product tester for XDrive. He initially encountered DeWolfe while working at XDrive, a digital storage firm. His response to a flyer advertisement led him to join XDrive as a product tester. 

What Happened To Tom from MySpace

Tom and DeWolfe founded ResponseBase, a direct marketing business, after XDrive declared bankruptcy in 2001. In the year 2002, they sold ResponseBase to Brad Greenspan’s eUniverse.

What happened to Tom from Myspace is as follows: He seems to have had the kind of peaceful existence that most people can only imagine.

Myspace was sold by Tom for a staggering $580 million. Although not all of the money got to him, he still assisted in arranging the significant sale. The guy who made social media mainstream and essentially founded Facebook before Facebook is now taking advantage of his ideal retirement. He has taken up investing, photography, and surfing. He spends much of his time traveling and seems to have a carefree life.


1. Who is Tom Anderson, exactly?

– Co-founding the social networking site Myspace, Thomas Anderson (Tom) is a technology entrepreneur.

2. How old is Tom Anderson, exactly?

– Age 51 applies to Tom Anderson.

3. How old was Tom Anderson when he was born?

– On November 8, 1970, in San Diego, Tom Anderson was born.

4. Tom Anderson is of what nationality?

– Tom is an American citizen.

5. How much money does Tom Anderson have in the bank?

– A $60 million figure represents Tom Anderson’s wealth.

Conclusion –

Early in the 2000s, Myspace was “the” social hub. When Facebook was popular for decorating your profile with glittering GIFS and Panic At The Disco tunes, and your main source of worry was deciding which eight friends to invite, the social networking site was all about good, clean fun.

Ah, I remember those times. Another extremely crucial question that comes to mind while thinking back on Myspace is, “What is Tom doing now?” We all have a special place in our hearts for Tom Anderson, the co-founder of Myspace, who served as our “first” default buddy and whose profile image is legendary.

Sadly, Tom sold Myspace to News Corp in 2005 for a cheeky $580 million before retiring in 2009. This was because Myspace was unable to compete with Mark Zuckerberg’s elegant Facebook. The now-47-year-old has chosen a whole new profession as a travel photographer and is essentially living out all of our fantasies in Hawaii.