rambo first blood filming location

Where Was The ‘Rambo First Blood’ Filming Location?

A brilliant fusion of ’80s action and ’70s contemplation, the 1982 smash “First Blood” realistically portrayed the predicament of Vietnam soldiers, who were frequently traumatized and cut off through government aid.

Fans of the “Rambo” franchise’s subsequent installments, in which the titular figure attacks North Vietnamese bunkers and bombards troops with thousands of machine-gun shells, may be astonished if they watch the original movie, which is more solemn and pragmatic.

The 1982 American action thriller Rambo First Blood was first released on the big screen. Rambo, a disturbed and much misjudged military veteran, falls into problems after a small-town police chief stirs up his aggressive side.

The recollections of the Vietnam War traumatize him. Rambo enthusiasts frequently ask where Rambo First Blood was shot and where they can see the places. From the sequels’ intense, nationalistic war scenes, this is a far cry. Despite the fact that the movie is based in Washington, other locations were used for production. Here is everything you want on the Rambo: First Blood filming site.

What was Rambo About?

After serving in the Vietnam War, US Green Beret John Rambo visits a buddy in a little hamlet in Washington. He is troubled by flashbacks of his time on the battlefields, so when he runs across a sheriff who is determined to get him, he resolves to run away.

rambo first blood filming location

Will Teasle, an experienced sheriff of a small town, was frightened by John Rambo because he thought Rambo intended to succeed him as the area’s sheriff. John Rambo, however, experienced memories of his days as a war prisoner in Vietnam as Will Teasle and his accomplices detained him. The rest of the movie is devoted to John Rambo fighting back against the bloodthirsty sheriff and trying to escape the pursuit after him.

How Real was Rambo?

The movie Rambo: First Blood, in which Sylvester Stallone, whose real name is Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone, also stars as the American Green Beret John Rambo, was co-written by him.

Stallone completed all of the film’s actions when the movie was being made. For one sequence where his role leaps from a hill and there were three attempts, Stallone cracked many bones when he crashed on a branch that was supposed to block his impact.

rambo first blood filming location

After shooting 19 shots of the sequence where his persona, John Rambo, gets beaten in jail, Stallone also sustained significant spinal injuries. His role as Rocky Balboa in the 1976 movie Rocky made him famous, and he continued to feature in the succeeding Rocky movies.

Where was Rambo’s First Blood Filmed?

Rambo First Blood was filmed largely in Hope, British Columbia, Canada, as stated on the Hope British Columbia webpage. Rambo gets picked up by Sheriff Teasle on WaterAvenue, which is close to Gardner GM.

On the Third Avenue railroad tracks, Rambo could be shown riding a hijacked motorcycle in the sequence when he runs from the cops. Along Hudson Bay Street, Rambo and the cops engage in a fast-paced chase. The sheriff’s office, which used to be at Wallace Street and Third Avenue and is currently at 560 Douglas Street, is situated adjacent to District Hall.

rambo first blood filming location

Additional Rambo First Blood sites, such as the Treehouse Health Foods, have changed into Mountain State Savings. At the same time, the Outpost Gun Shop was constructed near the junction of Third Avenue and Commission Street.

It was constructed especially for the movie and subsequently wrecked in a sequence. The Othello Tunnels in Canada served as the model for Chapman’s Gorge in the film. The Chevron petrol station, which is now Hope Pizza Place, was traversed by Rambo’s motorcycle.

Even though Wallace Street and the Othello Tunnels were also used for shooting, the municipality nonetheless wished to honor Hope for her part in Rambo: First Blood. 2020 saw the construction of a statue honoring Rambo, a wood sculpture by Ryan Villiers, with assistance from Sylvester Stallone.

rambo first blood filming location

The village where most of the sequences were shot now offers escorted visits to the shooting sites. However, one of these places was destroyed in 2011. The sequence in which Sheriff Will Teasle detains John Rambo takes place on the well-known Rambo Bridge.

The neighborhood gathered to say goodbye to the crumbling bridge by taking photographs and crossing it once last. Last but not least, the petrol station that Rambo destroys in the film was created particularly to be damaged during production.