Adapted from Aki Hamaji’s previous manga series, Bocchi The Rock is a proposed slice-of-life humor animation. Hitori Gotou, a high school girl who devotes...
Reality Television is a genre of Television programming that documents unscripted real-life situations, often starring unknown people rather than professionals. The reality Television genre...
This drama, which takes place at a prestigious boarding school, portrays high school life in Korea, where pupils are encouraged to compete and outperform...
The West Wing is an Emmy-winning American Political drama. It features a fictional American President, Josiah Bartlet, and his administration, tackling various issues regarding...
Neil Maskell, a British actor, is most known for portraying sinister, badass villains, particularly in Ben Wheatley’s movies. In the savage retribution tale by...
Within a week of its release, Taylor Swift’s latest album Midnights broke Billboard and Spotify records. On Tuesday morning, the singer also revealed her...
Lauren Conrad, an alum of The Hills, comes up about leaving the show after five seasons to “emotionally heal” from reality television. Conrad startled...
The cast of “Saturday Night Live” is changing dramatically ahead of season 48. Following Pete Davidson’s departure from the long-running comedy show, three of...
Kevin Williamson and Wes Craven are the directors and writers of the 1997 American horror movie Scream 2. Liev Schreiber, Courteney Cox, Neve Campbell,...
Migos members Takeoff, Quavo, and Offset are all instantly related. The rap trio started in 2008 when Quavo (real name Quavius Marshall) formed the...
Born on March 1st, 1948, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where Norman Connors shared a neighborhood with comedian and actor Bill Cosby, he showed an early...