The Last Picture Show is a 1971 American coming-of-age drama movie directed and co-written by Peter Bogdanovich, adapted with the semi-self-portraying 1966 novel The...
Spy X Family brilliantly establishes the dynamic between Loid, Anya, and Yore. The forger family has secrets that they wouldn’t even tell each other,...
The last chapter opens with Iharu feeling conflicted over the test results of Reno’s assimilation with weapon no. 8. His inferiority complex towards reno...
The Owl House is an absolutely delightful show. With heartwarming moments, tons of lessons to learn, and a great storyline, the audience awaits more....
K.G.F: Chapter 2 is a 2022 Indian Kannada-language period action movie written and directed by Prashanth Neel and produced by Vijay Kiragandur under the...
The Atlanta television series has returned for a third season, delivering more drama and humor. The Atlanta fans are eagerly anticipating the start of...