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Advocating for Justice in Belarus

Aleksandr Lukashenko President of Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko, the autocratic leader of Belarus, has evaded accountability for the severe human rights abuses that followed the country’s rigged presidential election on August 9, 2020. This lack of repercussions has led to profound suffering for Belarusians and now contributes to the Belarusian regime’s involvement in Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Since February 2022, Lukashenko’s government has played a key role in Russia’s military actions by aiding troop movements and reportedly facilitating the forced transfer and indoctrination of Ukrainian children. As the situation in Belarus continues to impact beyond its borders, it is crucial to renew our commitment to pursuing justice for the Belarusian people.

Efforts for Justice in Belarus Include Supporting Human Rights Defenders and International Investigations

Following the fraudulent election, massive protests erupted across Belarus as citizens demanded democratic reforms and human rights. Instead of addressing these demands, Lukashenko, with support from Putin, initiated a brutal crackdown involving mass arrests and torture.

When the protests persisted, Lukashenko sought further assistance from Putin, who sent Kremlin-sponsored propagandists to replace striking Belarusian journalists and hinted at potential Russian military intervention. Accounts from tortured individuals indicated the involvement of masked perpetrators using Russian language.

Currently, nearly 1,400 political prisoners endure harsh conditions in Belarus, with at least 30,000 detained unjustly since 2020 and over 300,000 forced into exile, according to the UN. The UN Special Rapporteur for Belarus has indicated that these human rights violations might constitute crimes against humanity.

The regime has also escalated its repression of exiled Belarusians, targeting them with politically motivated trials in absentia, auctioning their property, and harassing their families. In 2023, the regime suspended consular services abroad, complicating the ability of exiled Belarusians to renew passports or manage property in Belarus.

Addressing this entrenched impunity requires concerted effort. Support for human rights defenders, independent media, and exiles documenting abuses is essential. Initiatives like the International Accountability Platform for Belarus, which gathers and verifies evidence of human rights violations, play a crucial role.

Rapid expert investigations by the Moscow Mechanism of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and support for investigations in other countries can further accountability. Sanctions against Belarus should be comprehensive and coordinated with international partners. Additionally, safeguarding the rights of exiled Belarusians while advocating for the release of political prisoners is crucial.

Although the road to justice in Belarus is challenging, halting efforts is not an option. By confronting impunity and supporting Belarusian civil society, we reaffirm the universal quest for freedom and dignity, countering repression and external threats.

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