Independent Presidential Candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

RFK Jr. Has Qualified for the Arizona Ballot

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has secured a spot on the Arizona ballot, as confirmed by the Arizona Secretary of State’s office to The Hill on Wednesday.

JP Martin, deputy communications director at the Secretary of State’s office, informed The Hill via email that the Kennedy campaign’s submission of 118,752 petition signatures has been conditionally accepted, surpassing the 42,303 signatures required for ballot qualification.

Kennedy surpasses required signatures to secure a place on Arizona’s presidential ballot

This development comes as The Hill reports that Kennedy’s campaign team was engaged in discussions via phone on Wednesday regarding recent updates. ABC News has indicated that Kennedy may consider withdrawing from the presidential race by the end of the week and potentially endorsing former President Donald Trump.

In addition, Kennedy announced plans to address the nation on Friday. According to a campaign press release, his speech will focus on “the current historical moment and his future direction,” and is scheduled to take place in Phoenix at 2 p.m. EDT.

Donald Trump Jr., son of the former president, expressed support for Kennedy’s potential involvement in a government role. On “The Glenn Beck Program,” Trump Jr. suggested that Kennedy could be valuable in a major government agency, proposing that his unconventional approach might be beneficial.

“I’m enthusiastic about the idea of placing him in an outstanding role within a major three-letter agency or similar entity and allowing him to disrupt the status quo,” Trump Jr. stated. “This type of unity, even with some differences in perspective, could be extremely advantageous.”