In one of the longest-running Anime shows with over 1000 episodes, ‘One Piece’ fans might witness the most anticipated fights between Luffy and Blackbeard....
Parallel World Pharmacy is an anime television series adapted and produced by Diomedéa Studios and directed by Keizo Kusakawa. The series was announced on...
Along with Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and Eric Cartman, Kenneth “Kenny” McCormick is a made-up person who appears in the adult cartoon comedy South...
The team’s traits lent dimension to the character development in “Chainsaw Man,” where they had a brief heart-to-heart. Under pressure, their self-centered desires surfaced...
In October 2022, an anime version of the well-known Blue Lock manga from Weekly Shonen Magazine made its debut. Viewers can anticipate high-stakes action...
Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa (Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san ) is a Detective Conan spin-off manga. Mayuko Kanba wrote and illustrated it. It...
Unique stories with unusual characters are crucial in anime because they keep viewers interested from the beginning to the conclusion, which is exactly what...